Monday 6 June 2016

Just another Manic Monday. Or any other day in fact.

"Oh How I hate Mondays. Start of another week. The long drive to office & back. The traffic jam, all the honking and the cursing. The firefighting at work that keeps pushing urgent tasks further back in the list until they become fires themselves. And the Boss will call to check if the presentation is ready. Oh How I hate those PPT’s. Why does he not understand that I have work to do and those PPT’s are such a waste of time anyways. 

And then he’ll ask why is the project delayed? How the hell am I supposed to do work, when I have these stupid presentations to make all the time? Does he not understand I can only do so much in so much time? Who made this guy the Boss anyways? And am sure Priya will be hovering around with more sob stories of her family. Hey I have troubles of my own, why can’t she leave me alone? What do I look like? The all-knowing messiah or what?  And Vivek will most probably not come in today just to avoid the Monday meeting and I will have to handle his part again. Oh!! GOD! Why me?"

The above sounds familiar? How about this?

"Oh! Man! Monday!!! Ughhhhh. Another week of tolerating those nincompoop employees of mine, why can’t they just get at some things right? Why the hell am I paying them if I have to do their jobs also? Why can’t people just think? Morons all of them. Sometimes it feels Am running thus business all on my own.

And then those stupid clients. Always complaining. And always negotiating. Hell if I had so much margin in my price, I won’t be listening to them crib all the time, but would have been holidaying in Switzerland instead. Idiots. And then those payments follow ups. Ghosh!!! Why can’t people just pay on time? They want the best quality, will haggle on price all the time, and then when it comes to payments they just bloody disappear. And the sales guy will say they are not picking up the phone and I will have to call each one of them on my own. And the accountant will come and say the tax has to be paid as we have already raised invoice, and that the supplier is refusing to send raw material if he is not paid for his last consignment, and he can’t handle things if the payments don’t come soon. Hell!!! That is why I hired you. To handle these things. And the supervisor will definitely be asking for that advance I promised I will look into. What does he think? I am a magician or a Bank or what? Oh GOD!!! Why Me?"

And how about this?

"Oh Shit, its Monday. I should not have agreed with Suvarna I will send her the work by the weekend. And I haven’t even been able to get started on her work. Just needed that weekend off Boss. Even we freelancers have some life and need a break sometime. People think they own us, and expect us to work 24x7 just because we are freelancers. They take ages to give their brief, but then want us to deliver on time.
I would have still done it but then Suvir just took ages to decide and wanted changes after changes after changes and kept me busy going back and forth the whole of last week. Why can’t these clients just let us do our jobs? If you know so much do it yourself man.  But heck I know I need the business. Someone has to pay the Goddamn rent and bills. Oh heck I have to also meet the CA for my taxes this week. And he will ask for the bills and expect them to be filed properly and the copies of my invoices and the bank statements and God knows what else. OH My!!! how am I going to do all that? And have to call a few people up also this week and look for more business else I will be dead broke by the month end again. And also those 2 clients from last and last to last month who haven’t sent me the payment as yet. Am sure they will say they have not received the Invoice and will want me to send it once again. How come these people so conveniently loose the invoice when it’s time for payment. When will this change? Oh God!!! Why Me???"

Any of the 3 scenarios above sound familiar? Is it you? Or is it just everyone? Did we choose this? Did we just land up here? Is it just us? Why? Can we change something here? Can You?

Well I signed out of all this long back. When are you?

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